Error Code Err IN is the CV thermostat controller not finding the thermocouple. It is a bad thermocouple connection or the thermocouple wires are on the wrong terminals. Thermocouple wires...
This must be done for mirror image units to make the drive run the correct direction. Chain Driven System: On gearmotor part # 351001 reverse wires T5 & T8 On...
Want to test if your flame sensor is flame sensing on your Southern Pride gas smoker? To check if your ignition electrode flame sensor is functioning properly check for 1.5...
BBR-700 used to use an old Telemecanique power switch which is discontinued. Unit now uses standard main power switch 441035. Terminal for terminal new power switch is wired the exact...
To remove your smokers firebox you must first remove the burner assembly, and then unbolt the firebox bolts and the whole box will slide out of the unit.
Door prox switch is stuck closed, or the relay is stuck closed. If you drop the magnetic door switch, and look at the red indicator light on the prox switch...
To test for a faulty rotisserie advance button test for 120v across the N/O block on the back of the switch. When you push the button you should get 120v,...
Very early models of the SPK-700 will require some slight modifcation to install the new style door closure 771001. When changing to the new style door closure one of the...
If you want to make both of your smoke elements engage at the same time rather than 4hrs apart disconnect terminals 3 and 4 from the 3rd 10amp relay...
May be a short in the power from the transformer to the controller. Could be a loose pin connector or a crimp. It might be internal to the control, if it...